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General information

ID 64274
HEX fb12
Unicode name <unassigned-FB12>
Extended name <unassigned-FB12>
Unicode group Alphabetic Presentation Forms
Unicode Code Point U+FB12

Conversion (How to escape )

HTML Entity (decimal) &#64274;
HTML Entity (hex) &#xfb12;
URL Encoded %26%2364274%3B
C / C++ / Java "\uFB12"
Javascript (UTF-16) "\uFB12"
Javascript "\u{FB12}"
Python u"\uFB12"
CSS \00FB12

How to type

Microsoft Office write fb12 then press Alt + X
Microsoft Office (alternative) write U+fb12 then press Alt + X
Apple Mac Hold Alt, type F B 1 2 then release
Apple Mac (alternative) Hold Option, type F B 1 2 then release

UTF Encodings

UTF-8 (hex) EF AC 92
UTF-8 (octal) 357 254 222
UTF-8 (binary) 11101111 10101100 10010010
UTF-16 (hex) FB 12
UTF-16 (octal) 373 22
UTF-16 (binary) 11111011 00010010
UTF-32 (hex) 00 00 FB 12
UTF-32 (octal) 000 000 175 422
UTF-32 (binary) 00000000 00000000 11111011 00010010


<unassigned-FB12> Alphabetic Presentation Forms Unicode U+FB12 <unassigned-FB12> Alphabetic Presentation Forms Unicode U+FB12